Tactical Course
UPEMS’s Tactical Medicine Course is designed after the IBSC’s Tactical Responder or Tactical Paramedic Course. The goal and mission is to always promote safety, and stability while managing patient care in the field. This course is designed to help you maintain situational awareness, as well as great patient care during times of increased activity and hot tactical situations.

What You Will Get
In this day and age, we feel like it is necessary to have this training so that you can better understand what to do if you find yourself in a situation and medical care is needed in a not so ideal situation!
We are a fully comprehensive Tactical EMS Program aimed at teaching you after the IBSC exam, so that you can sit and prepare for the test to the best of your ability! Our goal is to teach the importance of that pesky “Scene Safety” issue that we always hard on in EMS Classes, but to take it to a whole NEW extreme! This class will be ran from a SWAT style program with extreme discipline, PT, training, and physical fitness agility training. This is a high stressful course, it moves fast, and you will handle live firearms, police dogs and other live weapons!
CASEVAC/TACEVAC, Hot, Warm, Cold Zones
Weapons familiarity, Weapons qualifications and moving and firing
K9 management and airway principles/pharmacology principles
Airway Training for Hot and Warm zone applicability
Pharmacology for Tactical Environments:
RSI paralytics and Trainings on Airway Progression, Sedation Training, Drugs outside of Typical EMS Paramedic Styles
Trauma Training on Blast Injuries and ICP and Neuro Trauma Training
Neuro/spinal assessment, seizure training in Tactical Environments
Airway/Respiratory Emergencies. Endotracheal Intubation & Rescue Airways, Surgical Airway & Cric Training, Threat Under Fire Training-Indirect Threat Care
Needle Decompression Training & Occlusive Training, IV/IO Training under Hospital environments , placement training gear, Burn patients & Parkland Formula Training
Direction Giving Under Duress, Rescue / threat Extraction, Breaching with Explosives,
ICS/TEMS, Breeching/Firearm Safety, low light discipline training
Stress mitigation, legal & co-legal principles, force health protection
What's Included
Condensed Course
Extended Course
40 Hours
105 Hours
Prior to acceptance
You will have to submit an application and interview with the team aof cadre prior to being accepted.
If Selected
Drug Test
Oral Board Interview
Physical Agility
Physical Fitness