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Construction Worker

Due to our recent move, UPEMS is temporarily at a standstill with classes and registration until we get settled into our brand new building space! We are working on moving, and once we are settled, we will be resuming our amazing classes and with an EVEN BETTER education program. We will be resuming our Tik-Tok channel ASAP, however thanks to the ban being reversed, so check out our Tik-Tok, Instagram, Youtube and like, share, and subscribe so you can be in the KNOW for America's Paramedic!

Due to the recent un-banning of Tik-Tok, we will be resuming our LIVES and social media presence this week! Make sure to Like, Share, and Subscribe to our channels! 


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Experience the Power of UPEMS Academy

New EMS Courses, starting soon! Stay Tuned!

NEW Online tactical EMS class, coming soon!


Graduate in 12 weeks


Class Hours

3 Days / Week

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Regular EMT Hours are as follows:


We Offer a Range of Courses to prepare you to pass NREMT Exam on your first try, as well as we are a designated AHA Training Site with Training Center Faculty!


The Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course is designed to equip paramedics with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage life-threatening cardiac emergencies and build upon BLS


The Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) course prepares paramedics to manage critical situations involving infants and children. This program builds upon your BLS and ACLS knowledge


The Basic Life Support (BLS) course is your essential first step towards becoming a paramedic. This program equips you with the fundamental skills and knowledge to respond effectively to emergencies

Wilderness Course

Our Wilderness Medicine course equips paramedics with the essential knowledge and skills to provide emergency care in remote locations. This program goes beyond traditional paramedic training

We take pride in providing high-quality medical education and training, focusing on the "whys" behind the EMT training. Our heart is to provide leadership, and to better-help students learn how to treat patients in and out of the pre-hospital environment.

  • You are being hoisted into a helicopter when you start to spin dramatically. To stop the effects of spin, what needs to occur immediately? a. The pilot needs to apply forward airspeed b. Signal to be put back on the ground immediately c. Tilt the basket and patient to create resistance to slow the spin
    Correct Answer is A Rationale: The helicopter crew need to apply forward airspeed (10 to 20 KIA (Knots in Airspeed) immediately as defined in external load operations.
  • Individual demographics, the presence of acute or chronic health conditions, history of previous injury or illness during participation in a wilderness sport/adventure, and environment-specific conditions of the activity are evaluated during a: a. medical screening exam b. preparticipation physical evaluation c. fit for duty assessment
    Correct answer is B Rational: PPEs are not intended to disqualify a participant; rather they are intended to reduce morbidity and mortality during participation in wilderness activities. PPEs are not intended to disqualify a participant; rather they are intended to reduce morbidity and mortality during participation in wilderness activities. It is rare to disqualify or recommend an individual not be cleared for a wilderness sport or adventure.
  • You are providing medical support for a trek. Several days into the trip, at 5500 m (18000 ft) you are approached by a patient complaining of chest pain. The patient has a history of angina. The patient tells you they are having chest pain after exertion. The pain has resolved with rest and nitroglycerine. What is the best recommendation? a. Slow the pace of the trek and allow more rest time b. Evacuation for hospital evaluation c. Acclimatize for an additional day at current altitude
    Correct answer is B Rationale: The patient is experiencing unstable angina, likely exacerbated by altitude. The patient should be evacuated and should not continue to ascend.
  • A 22-year-old female patient presents with circumferential full-thickness burns from her mid-thigh to her toes of both legs. She has lost distal pulses and requires an escharotomy. Where and how do you make the incisions to perform the escharotomy? a. Lateral and anterior limb incisions through the dermis of both lower extremities b. Anterior limb incisions through the dermis of both lower extremities c. Medial and lateral limb incisions through the dermis of both lower extremities
    Correct answer is C Rationale: Escharotomy incisions for the limbs should be carried to the level of the thenar and hypothenar eminences for the upper extremity and to the level of the great toe medially and the little toe laterally for the lower extremity.
  • Do I Need Any Pre-Reqs to get into your course?
    For Basic EMT you just need a photo ID and a smile. For Advanced EMT you need to hold a curent Utah state EMT liscence before the start of class.
  • What gear is needed for this academy?
    5.11 type Blue or Black EMS style pants and boots, black tactical belt, and a white T-shirt. You will also need school supplies like the textbook for the class, notebooks, colored pens and pencils, markers, and flashcards.

-UPEMS Director A. Nichols

"Learning in-depth patho-physiology is one of the most important aspects to giving quality patient care."

Tactical Course Open NOW for registrations!!!

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